ColorZilla - A Must have for designers

Want to know a specific color RGB/HexCode? Use this!

ColorZilla -  A Must have for designers

Photo by Gradienta on Unsplash

unnamed.jpg ColorZilla is a free Chrome Extension that enables anyone to select the exact RGB and HexCode without any amusing efforts.

The link for the extension is attached below, you can copy and use it for yourself.

It is free of ads and is simple and easy to use. Below I have demonstrated how to use it.

  1. Download the Extension with the link above. (You can also click here)

  2. After installation click on the Extension, and you should see something like this. 18.08.2022_22.55.36_REC.png

  3. After clicking you will see a box like the one below and it'll show you the RBG and Hex Code of the selected color and you can click on it to copy


Now you can easily use any color you see on any website or page in your own project without any use of developer tools or anything else.


Hope you found it helped you :) Comment if you have any suggestions or now extensions you want us to publish about.